Monday, December 20, 2010


I saw three films IN A ROW
types of advertisement:
COMMERCIAL on TV or radio
POSTER on a wall, often with a picture on it
JUNK MAIL unwanted letters in the post, advertising things
FLYER a sheet of paper with an advertisement on it, given to you in the street or pushed through your door
THE BLURB a piece of writing on the back of a book, which talks about the good things in it
THE CLASSIFIED ADS also the small ads British English short advertisements in a newspaper, in which people offer things for sale
advertisement /'ædvər'taɪzmənt / ||/əd'vɜ:tɪsmənt/
the personal ads/the lonely hearts (ads) newspaper advertisements in which people say they want to meet someone for romance
1 [intransitive and transitive] to put your arms around someone and hold them in a friendly or loving way [= hug]:
Show sb how to do sth.
He won’t wait for you to leave a door open.
WAGON /'wægən/ sustantivo
1. (drawn by animals) carro m;
SIREN /'saɪrən/
ABSOLUTELY /'æbsə'lu:tli/: completely and in every way
VAL‧U‧A‧BLE /'væljuəbəl/
1 worth a lot of money [≠ worthless]
BARK at: The dog always barks at strangers.
SAFE [countable] a strong metal box or cupboard with special locks where you keep money and valuable things
DE‧TER‧RENT [countable] A dog is more of a deterrent than ...
1 something that makes someone less likely to do something, by making them realize it will be difficult or have bad results: The small fines for this type of crime do not act as much of a deterrent.
The easiest thing to do is to get the TV and run.
It’s good to prevent sb from getting into the house.
/Caught/ =/court/
JEWEL /'dʒu:əl/
Fagin /'feigən/
Shoot a film
Thief /θi:f/
Interviewer – interviewee
Personal belongings
Beware of the dog
Police /pə'li:s/
SPREE [countable]
DL a short period of time when you do a lot of one activity, especially spending money or drinking alcohol
Hypnosis /hɪp'nəʊsəs / || /hɪp'nəʊsɪs/
Hypnotize /'hɪpnətaɪz/
Hypnotist /'hɪpnətəst/

was caught
was mugged
was met
being interrogated
is called
to be held
be sent

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